1991 wegen Banküberfalls zu fünf Jahren verurteilt
Diverse Quellen im Netz berichten über die Ermordung eines offenbar veritablen "San Francisco Bay area underground rap star, who police say was also a member of a gang of robbers:
Bay Area rapper Mac Dre, whose real name is Andre Hicks, was gunned down on Monday (November 1) in Kansas City, Missouri, while riding in a van on the highway.
According to Billboard.com, the van swerved across the highway median, across the southbound lanes and down a steep embankment. Hicks was thrown from the vehicle, but is said to have died from the shooting. The driver of the van then crawled away from the wreckage and went for help. Mac Dre was in Kansas City for a performance that was scheduled on Friday, but stayed in the city for the weekend. Police have yet to find a motive for the attack.
Seit 1989 hat der Rapper über ein Dutzend Alben aufgenommen. Desweiteren wurde er 1991 zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt, weil er angeblich bei der legendären Banküberfall-Serie in der Bay Area beteiligt gewesen sein soll. Hierzu lesen wir bei Billboard.com:
"In the early 1990s, police began investigating Hicks and several associates thought to be members of the Vallejo, Calif.'s Romper Room Gang, which was suspected in a string of bank and business robberies.
Hicks was eventually charged in federal court with conspiracy to commit bank robbery after he and several others were arrested while preparing to rob a bank. "We were on his tail for a long time," Vallejo police Lt. Rick Nichelman said.
Hicks recorded raps mocking law enforcement, often naming specific officers, including Nichelman, who was a lead investigator on the case.
Nichelman said some of the lyrics reportedly were recorded over the phone while Hicks was in jail awaiting sentencing. He was released from prison in 1996."
Diverse Quellen im Netz berichten über die Ermordung eines offenbar veritablen "San Francisco Bay area underground rap star, who police say was also a member of a gang of robbers:

According to Billboard.com, the van swerved across the highway median, across the southbound lanes and down a steep embankment. Hicks was thrown from the vehicle, but is said to have died from the shooting. The driver of the van then crawled away from the wreckage and went for help. Mac Dre was in Kansas City for a performance that was scheduled on Friday, but stayed in the city for the weekend. Police have yet to find a motive for the attack.
Seit 1989 hat der Rapper über ein Dutzend Alben aufgenommen. Desweiteren wurde er 1991 zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt, weil er angeblich bei der legendären Banküberfall-Serie in der Bay Area beteiligt gewesen sein soll. Hierzu lesen wir bei Billboard.com:
"In the early 1990s, police began investigating Hicks and several associates thought to be members of the Vallejo, Calif.'s Romper Room Gang, which was suspected in a string of bank and business robberies.
Hicks was eventually charged in federal court with conspiracy to commit bank robbery after he and several others were arrested while preparing to rob a bank. "We were on his tail for a long time," Vallejo police Lt. Rick Nichelman said.
Hicks recorded raps mocking law enforcement, often naming specific officers, including Nichelman, who was a lead investigator on the case.
Nichelman said some of the lyrics reportedly were recorded over the phone while Hicks was in jail awaiting sentencing. He was released from prison in 1996."
contributor - am Mittwoch, 3. November 2004, 16:08 - Rubrik: Populaere Kultur Musik
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