Die Zeitungen (Tagesanzeiger, 1.3. 2013) melden: Bruce Reynolds ist gestorben.
"Es ist einer der legendärsten Überfälle der vergangenen 50 Jahre: Der grosse Postzugraub von Grossbritannien. Bruce Reynolds, der Drahtzieher die «Great Train Robbery», ist 81-jährig gestorben.
Bruce Reynolds, der Architekt und Mittäter des grossen Postzugraubs (The Great Train Robbery) von 1963 ist tot. Dies berichtet die englische Zeitung «The Guardian». Reynolds starb im Alter von 81 Jahren, nur wenige Monate bevor sich der legendäre Überfall zum 50. Mal jährt. Sohn Nick gab gegenüber der Zeitung bekannt, dass sich der Gesundheitszustand seines Vaters schon seit einigen Monaten verschlechtert hatte.
Bruce Reynolds war der Anführer jener zwölfköpfigen Bande, die am 8. August 1963 den Postzug der britischen Royal Mail bei Ledburn ausraubte und insgesamt 2,6 Millionen Pfund (nach heutigem Wert 56 Millionen Franken) erbeutete."
Im Guardian (28.2. 2013) wird die Zeit nach dem Gefängnis gewürdigt:
Reynolds was jailed for 25 years, a sentence that even the late Metropolitan police commissioner, Sir Robert Mark, thought was excessive. In fact, one of the reasons the robbery became so well known was the length of sentences doled out by Mr Justice Edmund Davies, who said it was "a crime which in its impudence and enormity is the first of its kind in this country. I propose to do all in my power to ensure that it is the last of its kind … Let us clear out of the way any romantic notions of daredevilry".
In 1995, Reynolds wrote his memoirs which recounted, without sentimentality or self-pity, how he had embarked on a life of crime after initially seeking a job as a journalist but ended up working in the accounts department of the Daily Mail. He chose the title as a homage to one of his favourite writers, Jean Genet, author of The Thief's Journal.
Various television documentaries are now being lined up for the anniversary, with Reynolds approached by many seeking to capitalise on the event. Many of the robbers have already died: Charlie Wilson was shot dead in the Spain in 1990; Buster Edwards killed himself in 1994; Roy James died in 1997; Jimmy Hussey died last year after supposedly making a deathbed confession that he was the gang member who coshed the train driver, Jack Mills, who died of leukaemia seven years later. Ronnie Biggs remains in very poor health following a series of strokes. On the final page of his updated memoir, Crossing the Line, Reynolds remarks of Biggs: "When I see his frail frame, I see my own mortality. C'est la vie!""
New York Times : "Bruce Reynolds, the chief architect of one of 20th-century Britain’s most notorious crimes"
Le Monde:"le cerveau de la mythique attaque du train postal Glasgow-Londres en 1963, est mort"
"Es ist einer der legendärsten Überfälle der vergangenen 50 Jahre: Der grosse Postzugraub von Grossbritannien. Bruce Reynolds, der Drahtzieher die «Great Train Robbery», ist 81-jährig gestorben.
Bruce Reynolds, der Architekt und Mittäter des grossen Postzugraubs (The Great Train Robbery) von 1963 ist tot. Dies berichtet die englische Zeitung «The Guardian». Reynolds starb im Alter von 81 Jahren, nur wenige Monate bevor sich der legendäre Überfall zum 50. Mal jährt. Sohn Nick gab gegenüber der Zeitung bekannt, dass sich der Gesundheitszustand seines Vaters schon seit einigen Monaten verschlechtert hatte.

Im Guardian (28.2. 2013) wird die Zeit nach dem Gefängnis gewürdigt:
Reynolds was jailed for 25 years, a sentence that even the late Metropolitan police commissioner, Sir Robert Mark, thought was excessive. In fact, one of the reasons the robbery became so well known was the length of sentences doled out by Mr Justice Edmund Davies, who said it was "a crime which in its impudence and enormity is the first of its kind in this country. I propose to do all in my power to ensure that it is the last of its kind … Let us clear out of the way any romantic notions of daredevilry".
In 1995, Reynolds wrote his memoirs which recounted, without sentimentality or self-pity, how he had embarked on a life of crime after initially seeking a job as a journalist but ended up working in the accounts department of the Daily Mail. He chose the title as a homage to one of his favourite writers, Jean Genet, author of The Thief's Journal.
Various television documentaries are now being lined up for the anniversary, with Reynolds approached by many seeking to capitalise on the event. Many of the robbers have already died: Charlie Wilson was shot dead in the Spain in 1990; Buster Edwards killed himself in 1994; Roy James died in 1997; Jimmy Hussey died last year after supposedly making a deathbed confession that he was the gang member who coshed the train driver, Jack Mills, who died of leukaemia seven years later. Ronnie Biggs remains in very poor health following a series of strokes. On the final page of his updated memoir, Crossing the Line, Reynolds remarks of Biggs: "When I see his frail frame, I see my own mortality. C'est la vie!""
New York Times : "Bruce Reynolds, the chief architect of one of 20th-century Britain’s most notorious crimes"
Le Monde:"le cerveau de la mythique attaque du train postal Glasgow-Londres en 1963, est mort"
vabanque - am Freitag, 1. März 2013, 11:17 - Rubrik: Biographien des Bankraubs