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Anlässlich der New Yorker Ausstellung
"13 Most Beautiful Avatars" (February 17 - March 17, 2007) - "a portrait series from Second Life" - werden die beiden italienischen KunstaktivistInnen EVA and FRANCO MATTES (a.k.a. 0100101110101101.ORG) in einer Presseaussendung von Franco Mattes himself als "Bonnie & Clyde" des zeitgenössischen Kunstbetriebs tituliert. Auch nicht schlecht diese (Selbst?-)Zuschreibung:

Born in 1976, Eva and Franco Mattes, (a.k.a. 0100101110101101.ORG) have been pioneers in the movement remixing famous digital art pieces and performing Life Sharing: a real-time digital self portrait, during which they even submitted to satellite surveillance for an entire year. In the last decade they have created unpredictable mass-scale performances staged outside the traditional art venues and involving an unaware audience, where truth and falsehood mix to the point of being indistinguishable. They created and released the code for a computer virus, erected fake architectural heritage signs, run media campaigns for non-existent action movies (United We Stand), and even convinced the entire populace of Vienna that Nike had purchased the city's historic Karlsplatz and was about to rename it "Nikeplatz". Their controversial performances, often bordering on illegality, have been widely discussed in the media earning them the name "Bonnie and Clyde of Contemporary Art".

Es dürfte zwar auf der Hand ligen, dass es die Popkultur ist, die ordinäre Kriminelle zur Chiffre der Subversion adelt. Aber mit allen klappt sowas ja nicht. Anhand von Bonnie & Clyde wäre zu diskutieren, wie es dazu kommt. AGB

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