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Der Weblog "Island Crisis" kürt Tony Musulin zum "Best Thief of the Year 2009". Nach soviel Mittelmässigkeit der Charaktermasken des Finanzkapitalismus, der Madoffs und anderer war das ja wohl an der Zeit. Denn:
"Who care about the “few” millions of the bank anyway. As if if you rob some fur off the Lion it becomes a cat!"


Tony Musulin has been officially awarded the Best Thief of the Year 2009 by Island Crisis for the amazingly well planned heist of this year in France. Ok we are kidding but this guy is a thief but a web hero!

Tony Musulin best thief of 2009

Tony Musulin is a security van driver for Loomis Security in France. Well you know those little vans that supposedly carry money safely from the big wallets to the other leeching wallet. Well this guy was driving the van carrying 17.2 million US dollars! And he “simply” ran away with it. (God bless you son).

Now you must be thinking that this guy is a thief and what the nut we are being cool with him? Well this amazing robbery is one which was done without any arms being used, without hurting anyone, without damaging anything and simply using the BRAIN!

Since the last few hours Tony Musulin has even became a web star on the net with Facebook Fan Pages about him cropping everywhere. And even this dedicated video above. Of course the chicken are looking for him but let’s hope he is wise enough now. Who care about the “few” millions of the bank anyway. As if if you rob some fur off the Lion it becomes a cat! AGB

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